The Dental Head Start Podcast
TIP #51 – BAD Dentistry with Dr Tim Maxwell
Dr Tim Maxwell is a pretty BAD dentist. That is, he practices bio-mimetic, aesthetic dentistry. It’s a concept that’s fast taking over long-standing, traditional approaches to restorative dentistry.
Advances in modern adhesive dentistry has allowed for substantially more conservative, additive and long-lasting restorative options for our patients.
More importantly, it’s highlighted just how reductive, destructive and unnecessary many of those past practices were, and still are. Dr Tim Maxwell is one of the leading dentists that challenges those methods, most of which are still taught at universities today.
In this podcast, he explains to us the key principles behind biomimetic aesthetic/adhesive dentistry and the advantages it offers both patients and the longevity of their teeth. He walks us through the practical aspects of biomimetic prep design, adhesion, immediate dentine sealing so you can start practicing BAD dentistry tomorrow.