The Dental Practice Fixers Podcast Featuring Secret Shopper Calls to Dental Offices

The Dental Practice Fixers Podcast Featuring Secret Shopper Calls to Dental Offices

Is There Some Hanky Panky Going On In My Dental Office?

August 30, 2019

Is There Some Hanky Panky Going On In My Dental Office?
Today’s episode features a very difficult situation. The doctor and several team members suspect there is a little “hanky panky” going on in the dental office between the associate doctor and one of the staff. Can anything be done without absolute proof? It’s a tough one, and The Dental Practice Fixers (Dr. Richard Madow and Dr. David Madow) do their best to give some advice. Then we go to the “Call of The Week.” A potential new patient calls because they are concerned about some clicking in their jaw. You will not believe what happens! Let’s just say you’ll be laughing until you cry, then you will just be crying! If you have a question that you would like answered on our podcast, please send it in to We will do our best to get yours answered!

Meet the Madow Brothers

Dr. David Madow
Influencer, Speaker, Author & Coach at The David Madow Lifestyle Show + Co-founder of The Madow Center for Dental Practice Success.
Dr. Richard Madow
International Keynote Speaker, Author, Award Winning Musician & Composer, Coach and Co-founder of The Madow Center for Dental Practice Success.