The Dental Practice Fixers Podcast Featuring Secret Shopper Calls to Dental Offices

The Dental Practice Fixers Podcast Featuring Secret Shopper Calls to Dental Offices

How Can I Boost My Perio Department? My Soft Tissue Management Program Is Non-Existent!

May 31, 2019

The Dental Practice Fixers
How does a dental practice know if they have a true periodontal therapy program or if they are just a “prophy palace?” In this episode, The Dental Practice Fixers, Dr. Richard Madow and Dr. David Madow discuss ways to provide better patient treatment AND boost revenue by correctly diagnosing and treating periodontal disease. Most adults in the United States have some form of perio disease – so let’s learn how to treat it correctly – and how to answer the question “Why didn’t my last dentist tell me this?”

And then of course there is the “Call Of The Week.” We continue the theme by asking an office manager if they have a soft tissue management program. It’s a weird question, but one word really tripped her up. Most importantly, did she schedule the patient? Listen and find out.

How does a dental practice know if they have a true periodontal therapy program or if they are just a “prophy palace?” In this episode, The Dental Practice Fixers, Dr. Richard Madow and Dr. David Madow discuss ways to provide better patient treatment AND boost revenue by correctly diagnosing and treating periodontal disease. Most adults in the United States have some form of perio disease – so let’s learn how to treat it correctly – and how to answer the question “Why didn’t my last dentist tell me this?”

And then of course there is the “Call Of The Week.” We continue the theme by asking an office manager if they have a soft tissue management program. It’s a weird question, but one word really tripped her up. Most importantly, did she schedule the patient? Listen and find out.

If you have a question that you would like answered on our podcast, please send it in to We will do our best to get yours answered!

If you have a question that you would like answered on our podcast, please send it in to We will do our best to get yours answered!

Related article: Top Five Reasons You Have A Lackluster Perio Department

How Can I Boost My Perio Department? My Soft Tissue Management Program Is Non-Existent!

(Dental Practice Fixers Podcast is brought to you by the Madow Center for Dental Practice Success. To find out how we can help to increase the success of your practice check out or call us at 1-800-258-0060).
[Music playing]
Dr. Richard Madow:  Hey there I'm Doctor Richard Madow; welcome to episode fifteen, season two of the Dental Practice Fixers Podcast. We've got a great question from a listener today, without giving away too much of the question, I'm just going to say that this is something we've encountered in a huge percentage of the dental practices that we work with over the years. When Dave and I visit a practice, when our coaches do, it's something that many of the people don’t realize is an issue, or they realize it’s an issue but they don’t know how to tackle it. I'll just it enough said there, this is something you absolutely need to listen to and we know that it will help your practice. So again, I'm Doctor Richard Madow, I'm here with my partner, friend, co-host I'll leave it up to you to now introduce yourself.
Dr. David Madow:    Doctor Dave, Doctor David Madow, how are you all doing? Thanks so much for being a part of the Dental Practice Fixers, we really appreciate that you’re here joining us, watching or listening, whatever you’re doing, we appreciate you.
Dr. Richard Madow:   All right let’s go and do the q...