The Dental Practice Fixers Podcast Featuring Secret Shopper Calls to Dental Offices

The Dental Practice Fixers Podcast Featuring Secret Shopper Calls to Dental Offices

Would You Like A Crown With That? Dental Lessons From An Unlikely Source!

November 03, 2023

On the episode of The Dental Practice Fixers Featuring Mystery Shopper Calls podcast for dentists, Dr. Rich shares some great practice growth tips from a very unlikely source.

Then we go to our mystery shopper calls and find out what happens when a potential patient knows they need some crowns. It’s probably not what you think!

Here are some very important and easy ways to help enhance your practice and your life!

1 – Sign up for our e-newsletter. It’s filled with up-to-date practice building tips, event announcements, and more!

When you sign up for the newsletter, you are automatically enrolled in our drawings for your own personal Dental Practice Fixers coffee mug!!

2 – Meet up with us in our private FACEBOOK group to continue the discussion:

3 – Schedule time on Dr. Rich’s personal calendar to discuss any practice issues or ways to improve! (This is for practice-owning dentists only!)

4 – Save money every single month on autopilot by paying a low, flat, monthly fee for credit card processing! Stop wasting money, and lower your overhead with one call!

5 – Get the absolute most for your dental scrap with Southern Dental Refining. Deal directly with the owner, cut out middlemen and salespeople, and get some real mailbox money!
