Promenade Merchants: A Star Trek Podcast

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Promenade Merchants #94: Star Trek Section 31 Reaction & Review
We have received our orders from Control, and we have executed the game plan. Heather & David talk about what brought the brand new movie Star Trek: Section 31 to fruition, from its original concept
Promenade Merchants 93: A Farewell To Lower Decks, and a look to a (hopeful?) Star Trek future
Weve had a rough spell recently. But we are back. Promenade Merchants Podcast lives. David has a new Trekkie adventure up in his future, and he cant wait to go boldly. Later, we say our farewell to
Promenade Merchants #90: Star Trek Prodigy Season 2 Wrap-Up. We Are Not Going Back
(Production Note: David here. We recorded this before Geeks and Nerds for Harris and Walz. I was fighting with my webhosting company for a bit. Apologies for the temporal anomaly.) If you had control
Promenade Merchants Podcast #89: Star Trek Prodigy S2 Episodes 13-16
The crew of the USS Protostar deal with Tribbles of varying sizes, and David finally comes to appreciate Jankem Pog for good. A moment in the mirror universe gave Heather a touch of the ick, and we bo
Promenade Merchants Podcast #88: Star Trek Prodigy S2, Episodes 9-12
We continue our non-binged discussion of Season 2 of Star Trek Prodigy. And we finally come to an episode that David was waiting for Heather to see. Coincidentally right after the Intergalactic Friend
Promenade Merchants Podcast #87: Star Trek Prodigy S2, Eps 5-8, and San Diego Comic Con
Heathers 8 episodes through Season 2 of Star Trek Prodigy, and business is beginning to pick up. Plus, all the Star Trek news from San Diego Comic Con 2024, and yes. We WILL be talking about the Stra
Promenade Merchants Podcast #86, Star Trek Prodigy S2, Episodes 1-4
Heather and David (sans one microphone) are back. Star Trek Prodigy Season 2 is out on Netflix and has taken Trekkies by storm. We do a mostly spoiler-free talk about Season 2, but go through the firs
Promenade Merchants Podcast #85, Star Trek Discovery Flies Home
Star Trek Discoverys fifth and final season has concluded. And we celebrate them as they deserve. We give one final big send off to the catalyst of our modern Latinum Age of Star Trek. But not withou
Promenade Merchants Podcast #83: The Cancellation of Star Trek Lower Decks
Its not exactly super happy fun Star Trek time this episode of Promenade Merchants. The news of the cancellation of Star Trek Lower Decks after its 5th season had David heated. Rant incoming. We also
Promenade Merchants Podcast #82 The Last Disco Bash
Were officially back! And so is Star Trek. The fifth and final season of Star Trek Discovery is under way. Captain Michael Burnham and her crew are on a treasure hunt, and all good things must come t