Degenerate Business School

Degenerate Business School

Latest Episodes

FTX and the Crypto Winter
November 21, 2022

The lurid collapse of FTX and with it Crytpo sentiment the world over bring to mind an old adage in high Finance. When the tide goes out, we find out who was really swimming naked. And it turns out, in the far off Bahamas, Sam Bankman-Fried was not only s

We Can't Stop, Won't Stop says the Fed
November 07, 2022

Last week, Jerome Powell took the mic. And with the mystic language of macroeconomic policy said the equivalent of: we can't stop, won't stop, murdering your equity portfolio until inflation improves. Makes sense. The last best hope of a near te

Earnings Season and the Last Great Age of Oil
October 24, 2022

Earnings season began this week with mixed results. And if there are two companies that tell the story of these times, they are Snapchat (SNAP) and Schlumberger (SLB). Snapchat you surely know. Once the darling of young people sending ephemera to each oth

Inflation Week! Plus Elon is a Bond Villain
October 16, 2022

This week inflation came in hot versus consensus. And while we have past the peak of so-called headline inflation, with energy costs abating somewhat, CORE inflation is still accelerating. Rent costs in particular are running wild. What does it all mean?

The Looming Sovereign Debt Crisis
October 03, 2022

Every once in a while, we get to the point in financial markets where all that matters is...wait for guessed it...BOND MARKET LIQUIDITY. In the simplest terms, there are not enough willing buyers to scoop up US treasuries. Or any government bond

The Resource Apocalypse?
September 11, 2022

This week the European energy crisis took center stage on Finance Twitter. Is this right and truly checkmate for Europe? With Vladimir Putin throttling natural gas, and no longer under the pretense of scheduled maintenance, what does the winter hold for,

No Pivot for You!
August 29, 2022

With the eyes of Finance Twitter fixed on Jackson Hole, Jerome Powell coolly reminded the investing public that a pivot is not in the offing. And if there is no self evident pivot, then the fever dream that was this summer's bear market rally might r

Tail Risk in Taiwan
August 08, 2022

Last week, the Finance Twitter newsfeed produced an embarrassment of riches. Just to enumerate the highlights:Nancy Pelosi visited Taiwan and sent the CCP into a frenzyThe jobs report blasted consensus, making way for more Fed hawkishnessAmazon bought Ro

Bear Market Rally or Powell Pivot 2?
July 31, 2022

What do we make of this rally? Is it a 2005 Donovan McNabb pump fake? That is, a bear market rally? Or the beginning of a pivot to accommodative policy once more? On Wednesday Jerome Powell said, and didn't say, just enough to prolong a run up in ris

Inflation is the worst
July 18, 2022

This week the Consumer Price Index, the inflation measure that now governs the market, came in higher than consensus at 9.1%. And yet the 10 year treasury yield didn't move. And the equity market chopped sideways.What do we make of this? According to
