Degenerate Business School

Degenerate Business School

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In the stock market....good news is bad news
July 11, 2022

For data visualization, please use the links below or follow us on Twitter @DegenerateBiz-----------------------------------------------------In the era of quantitative easing that has predominated since 2008, bad news is good news. And good news is bad n

The Sword of Damocles
July 05, 2022

For data visualization, please use the links below or follow us on Twitter @DegenerateBiz-----------------------------------------------------While multiples have been smashed in the wake of this tightening cycle, the equity market may yet be vulnerable.

Is The Fed Put Kaput?
June 20, 2022

For data visualization, please use the links below or follow us on Twitter @DegenerateBiz-----------------------------------------------------Since the Great Financial Crisis of 2008, it has never made sense to be bearish. Why? The so-called Fed put. The

Cash is the least trash
June 13, 2022

The consumer price index, the flagship indicator of inflation, came in at 8.6% on Friday. Not only did this flout consensus of 8.3%, but it put down an emerging argument that inflation would soon begin a sequential decline. And thereby open the door for a

The Bear Market Cometh
May 22, 2022

For data visualization, please use the links below or follow us on Twitter @DegenerateBiz-----------------------------------------------------Technically, but for a moment on Friday, the S&P 500 entered a bear market. This according to the priestly re's gone: The Collapse of Luna
May 16, 2022

For data visualization, please use the links below or follow us on Twitter @DegenerateBiz-----------------------------------------------------The pandemic era in the stock market felt like something new. A time when all the treasure of the West could be c

What 2018 tells us about the future
April 25, 2022

For data visualization, please use the links below or follow us on Twitter @DegenerateBiz-----------------------------------------------------With Netflix falling into the sea and the indices vaporizing, we beg the question. Is a repeat of 2018 finally at

Can the Nasdaq win the next decade?
April 10, 2022

For data visualization, please use the links below or follow us on Twitter @DegenerateBiz-----------------------------------------------------The ye olde bond market is having its worst year...EVER. At least in total return terms, and since proper statist

The Bond Market is Losing It
March 28, 2022

For data visualization, please use the links below or follow us on Twitter @DegenerateBiz-----------------------------------------------------Few if any in all the world understand the bond market. Certainly not we here on this podcast. Like a vast ocean

A Relief Rally?
March 20, 2022

For data visualization, please use the links below or follow us on Twitter @DegenerateBiz-----------------------------------------------------The Federal Reserve at last raises rates, hewing to a broader consensus about the need to combat inflation. But j
