Defocus Media Podcast Network

Defocus Media Podcast Network

Lunch Date with Rachel and Kate Episode 35: Break the Silence of Relationship Violence

October 09, 2019

Breaking the Silence about Relationship Violence October is domestic violence awareness month. While domestic violence occurs all year, sometimes we need to stop once a year and remember our role in stopping relationship violence. This week we talk about our role in stopping relationship or domestic violence. As eye doctors, we have a unique view into people’s health, and lives. Checking vessels, and ocular tissues are important in assisting in finding and reporting any sort of domestic violence. But it is important to know that our patients aren’t the only people suffering from domestic violence. Statistically, some of our fellow Optometrists are suffering from relationship violence as well. Check in with your classmates, co-workers, mentors, and mentees. Ask about their relationships, watch their habits, and be a source of safety for them when they are ready and able to leave their relationships. If you have been in a relationship that held violence, physical, emotional, sexual, verbal, or in another way,

Until Next Time,

Rachel and Kate