Defocus Media Podcast Network

Defocus Media Podcast Network

Treating Dry Eyes with OptiLIGHT: A Bright Solution for Dry Eyes with Dr. Sabrina Gaan

October 17, 2023

Join Dr. Darryl Glover as he sits with Dr. Sabrina Gaan at Vision Expo to discuss treating dry eyes with OptiLIGHT. Dr. Gaan shares valuable insights and practical tips for managing and treating dry eye patients in this conversation. Dr. Gaan, a seasoned expert in the field, shares practical tips for managing and treating dry eye patients.

Dr. Gaan emphasizes the importance of patient education regarding dry eye symptoms, reveals lesser-known issues like night vision challenges, and introduces cutting-edge solutions, including the innovative treatment, OptiLIGHT by Lumenis. Explore the world of dry eyes with OptiLIGHT here.

Dry Eye Expert Introduction

Dr. Darryl Glover:
Hello, everyone! It’s your favorite optometrist, Dr. Darryl Glover. I’m thrilled to be here today with the remarkable Dr. Sabrina Gaan. How are you today, Dr. Gaan?

Dr. Sabrina Gaan:
I’m good, thank you.

Dr. Darryl Glover:
I’m particularly excited for our discussion today. We’re diving into a game-changing topic that, in my view, impacts everyone globally. We’re focusing on an organization championing the cause against a common issue: dry eye. Ready to delve into this? But before we delve in, could you tell us about yourself?

Dr. Sabrina Gaan, Dry Eye Expert

Dr. Sabrina Gaan:
Certainly. I hail from the Bay Area. I pursued my education at ICO in Chicago and eventually settled in Boston. Now, I practice in the suburbs of Boston. My clinic is two years old, and we’ve been having a significant impact in the field of dry eye treatment.

Dr. Darryl Glover:
It seems dry eye is prevalent in Boston.

Dr. Sabrina Gaan:

Dr. Darryl Glover:
I practice in Raleigh, Durham, North Carolina, and I inform my patients about this daily. It seems like everyone who comes in is affected by dry eyes. In my vicinity, we have four prominent institutions: North Carolina State University, Duke University, UNC-Chapel Hill, and North Carolina Central University. Add to that our med schools, law schools, and the presence of the Research Triangle Park with its tech companies. Despite the diversity, there’s one unifying factor among my patients: reduced blinking frequency, leading to dry eyes. We’re well aware that dry eye syndrome is multifactorial. Today, Sabrina, I’m keen to understand more about your dry eye practice, specifically, your reasons for adopting in-office treatments for your dry eye patients.

How to Treat Dry Eyes with OptiLIGHT by Lumenis

Dr. Sabrina Gaan:
I reached a point of exasperation with conventional solutions. Constantly advising patients on warm compresses and eye drops, with little to no results from treatments like Restasis and Xiidra, was disheartening. My patients were unhappy, and I felt a strong need for change. I realized adopting in-office treatments was pivotal to enhancing my practice.

Dr. Darryl Glover:
I understand the limitations of some medications. Let’s discuss in-office treatments. Specifically, what are you using?

Dr. Sabrina Gaan:
I’m using OptiLight, and it’s truly my go-to. Initially, I began with treatments like Blephex and iLux. They serve their purpose, but OptiLIGHT outperforms them. It’s not a cure-all but excellent for patients with mild to moderate dry eyes.

Dr. Darryl Glover:
The key is having the right tools at your disposal. Every patient is unique, especially with a multifactorial condition like dry eye. While some might benefit from medication, others might require different interventions. The treatment plan often needs customization. But I’d like to dive deeper into OptiLIGHT. It’s not just revolutionizing eye care; it’s transforming healthcare. How has it impacted your practice, both clinically and financially?

Dr. Sabrina Gaan:
It’s been transformative. Initially, I hoped for two patients a week. Now, I see at least two a day. In winter, I can see up to 10 to 20 patients weekly when dry eye is more prevalent. For the first quarter this year, I generated $42,000 in revenue, and that’s pure profit since it’s a cash service, bypassing insurance complexities.

Dr. Darryl Glover:
What’s commendable is that you’re not just chasing profits. You’re genuinely addressing a patient’s problem, providing a solution, and being aptly rewarded.

Dr. Sabrina Gaan:
Exactly. It’s gratifying when patients appreciate the relief we provide. It feels like being a hero to them.

What are the Symptoms of Dry Eyes: Burning, Stinging, and Dryness?

Dr. Darryl Glover:
Can you walk me through the patient journey in your office? When a patient comes in, what’s the initial process? Do you utilize a dry eye questionnaire? Do your technicians initiate the conversation about dry eye?

Dr. Sabrina Gaan:
Our questionnaire asks about dry eye symptoms like burning, stinging, and dryness. But often, it’s the direct conversation I have with the more revealing patient. I’ll ask about symptoms, and upon examination, I can usually identify signs of dry eye, even if they’re unaware of any discomfort. Educating patients about what I observe, the potential solutions and the importance of being proactive makes all the difference.

Dr. Darryl Glover:
Absolutely. I’ve adjusted the language I use with patients regarding dry eye and trained my technicians to do the same. Previously, we’d ask, “Do you have dry eye?” Many patients, especially those whose eyes water frequently, wouldn’t recognize that as a symptom of dry eye. Now, we ask more specific questions like, “Do your eyes burn? Do they tear? Are they irritated? Does your vision change throughout the day?”

Dr. Sabrina Gaan:
Many don’t realize that impaired night vision can be a symptom of dry eye. They might dismiss it as fatigue, but it’s often related to dry eye.

Dr. Darryl Glover:
Exactly. A compromised tear film can scatter light rays, leading to vision issues. Addressing dry eye provides relief and opens doors for other solutions. Using devices like OptiLite can manage dry eye effectively. Moreover, addressing lens issues and incorporating anti-reflective coatings can improve vision, especially at night. Such holistic approaches can genuinely enrich a practice and provide more comprehensive care.

Best Practices for Dry Eye Clinics

Dr. Darryl Glover:
Given your success, could you share some best practices? I’m sure many practitioners listening would love insights on replicating the growth and impact you’ve achieved in your practice.

Dr. Darryl Glover:
Sabrina, could you guide me through the patient process in your office? Do you have them complete a dry eye questionnaire? Do your technicians start the conversation on the topic?

Dr. Sabrina Gaan:
We do have a questionnaire that prompts them about common symptoms. But more importantly, my direct interaction with them reveals more. If I observe symptoms, I educate them on potential treatments. For instance, I’ll mention the OptiLIGHT by Lumenis FDA-approved light therapy that unclogs glands, reduces rosacea vessels, and targets demodex. Plus, it offers aesthetic benefits. Patients respond to this personalized approach.

Dr. Darryl Glover:
Spot on. It’s all about asking the right questions. Previously, simply asking if they have “dry eyes” was ineffective. Now, I focus on specific symptoms, and it’s clear that patients appreciate the clarity. And now, even my male patients are actively seeking solutions for symptoms they observe.

Dr. Sabrina Gaan:
Definitely. Some men remark that they look intoxicated due to red eyes, which isn’t a look anyone desires. So, it’s crucial to discuss solutions with them too.

Dr. Darryl Glover:
Transformative. On another note, what are some of your best practices? With your evident success and satisfied patients, our colleagues would appreciate insights to achieve similar results.

Dr. Sabrina Gaan:
Effective communication is critical. Before considering new equipment, gauge patient interest. It only takes a few minutes to discuss potential treatments. I offer the OptiLIGHT treatment in my clinic and it takes just 15 minutes for the entire face and eyes, with an additional 5 minutes for gland expression.

What Day Do You Dedicate to Dry Eyes?

Dr. Darryl Glover:
Do you have dedicated days for this treatment?

Dr. Sabrina Gaan:
Yes, I’ve dedicated Fridays as “Dry Eye Fridays.” It’s become a popular day, and patients seem to enjoy the experience and camaraderie.

Dr. Darryl Glover:
Dry eyes have never been this engaging before! Sabrina, what’s the best way for anyone eager to learn more about the OptiLIGHT by Lumenis or to connect with you?

Dr. Sabrina Gaan:
The best platform would be my Instagram, under the handle Dr. Sabrina Gaan.

Dr. Darryl Glover:
Thanks for this enriching conversation. Anyone seeking dry eye expertise should connect with Dr. Gann. Thanks for joining us! Remember to care for those dry eyes.