Deep Water Podcast

Latest Episodes
E66 How the Persecuted Church Makes Disciples
Why does the persecuted church often grow? What do they know about disciple making that we could learn from? Listen in to learn the one key question you need to ask yourself.
E65 – Thoughts on Disciple-making when you are overwhelmed with life
Busy is the word for the day. I can keep up with anyone in the busy-race. I can out-busy just about anyone.... not that I'm proud of it. The thing with disciple-making is it works even when you get
E64 – How do you share your faith with a Buddhist (or anyone else) (Part B)
The other day a friend of mine sent me this message: "Long time no text. Hope you and your family is doing well. My son is struggling with trying to talk and reach some high school friends that are B
E63 – How do you share your faith with a Buddhist (or anyone else) (Part A)
The other day a friend of mine sent me this message: "Long time no text. Hope you and your family is doing well. My son is struggling with trying to talk and reach some high school friends that are B
E62 – Missions, PTSD, and Mid-life Crises
Many prepare for the initial sacrifice, but few think about the costs the rest of their lives. Its been a while since we posted anything. After I posted this episode I thought of a dozen different t
E61 – Story of the Ne’er-do-well
Who are the ne'er-do-wells in your life? What are their stories? - - This is the talk I mentioned:Tea with Hezbollah: Is it possible to love your enemy? Carl Medearis - He has a book with a simila
E60 – Hitting the 20 mile wall
Learning to run - Run a marathon - Not a sprint - A marathon - And, run it well - "If only for this life we have hope in Christ, we are to be pitied more than all men." 1 Cor 15:19 (NIV)
E59 – When God asks you to play second fiddle… or third… or fourth
What do you do when God asks you to play second fiddle? What do you do when His plan for you is not fame and glory, but anonymity and unrecognized work? Will you follow Him?
E58 – Perseverance and Encouragement
Ironically, a short episode on perseverance and encouragement.
E57 – Are you all in?
Are you all in when it comes to the Kingdom? What does it mean to be all in? How do we help grow the people to disciple to be all in? In this episode, we address some of those questions as well as