Deep Impact Investing

Deep Impact Investing

Episode 32 – Will ESG Funds Really be Banned in ERISA Plans?

September 16, 2020

In June 2020, the Department of Labor proposed a new rule for employer-sponsored retirement plans, proposing changes to the way fiduciaries handle these plans when it comes to ESG investing.
If this rule comes to pass, what would it mean for socially responsible investors and their advisors?
In this episode, Kimberly Griego-Kiel explores the answer to this question. She breaks down the proposed rule and its implications, while also addressing Doug Lynam’s article on the proposed rule and why her views on the rule differ from his.
In this episode, you will learn:

The contrast between Doug’s and former DOL employee Bradford Campbell’s opinion on the rule 
Whether this rule could really result in it being “illegal” for investment advisors to practice ESG investing in these plans
Kim’s perspective on the proposed rule 
What other proposed rules investors and advisors should be paying attention to
And more!

Tune in now to learn about the DOL’s proposed rule for employer-sponsored retirement plans and ESG investing — and what it could mean for investors and advisors alike! 
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