Deep Impact Investing

Deep Impact Investing

Episode 21 – Consider Supply Chains When Investing

April 01, 2020

Nearly every product-based company that you invest in has a supply chain. Where do the suppliers along these supply chains purchase their materials from? Do these materials cause harm to workers or environmental pollution?
In this episode, Kimberly Griego-Kiel unravels questions for every responsible investor to consider about supply chains. This is an informative conversation that also discusses which companies have made progress in creating supply-chain visibility and holding suppliers accountable. 
In this episode, you will learn:

What supply chains are and examples of the issues that unethical working conditions impose on people
American laws around supply chain issues such as child labor and human trafficking 
Top six important changes to supply-chain regulations from 2019
Shareholder advocacy moves to make in the 2020 proxy season
And more!

Tune in to learn what you must consider about supply chains as you strive to invest like you give a damn.
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