Beyond the Brief

Beyond the Brief

When Lawsuits Go Viral with  @CivilRightsLawyer 

November 14, 2024

The proliferation of video is changing how Americans fight for their civil rights, and much of it is happening right here on YouTube. I’m Kim Norberg of the nonprofit civil liberties law firm the Institute for Justice, together with co-host Keith Neely and IJ senior attorney Patrick Jaicomo.

Today, we’re talking with special guest John Bryan, better known as The Civil Rights Lawyer. John knows firsthand how difficult civil rights lawsuits have become–and he previously partnered with IJ to overcome one of the many immunity doctrines that make it nearly impossible for ordinary people to vindicate their rights in court. As IJ unravels that web of government immunity, John has successfully turned to video to help hold abusive officials accountable. We’re using different but complementary approaches to reach the same goals: bringing justice to victims and creating broader legal change.