Beyond the Brief

Beyond the Brief

Carrying Cash is NOT a Crime

September 13, 2024

It’s legal to travel domestically with any amount of cash. It’s legal to travel in and out of the U.S. with more than $10k if you declare it. But that doesn’t stop law enforcement from searching travelers’ property and seizing any cash they find without warrants or evidence of a crime. Today we talk with IJ attorneys Jaba Tsitsuashvili and Ben Field about how the government treats carrying cash like a crime and what IJ’s doing to fight back.

Know Your Rights Card

Civil forfeiture is the process the government uses to take and sell your property—including cash, cars, and even homes—even if you have not been convicted of—or even charged with—any crime.

Every year hundreds of thousands of Americans lose their property through civil forfeiture—don’t be one of them!

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Your Property or Theirs?

Once your property has been seized by the government there is a byzantine process to get it back. See the steps and pitfalls for navigating a federal forfeiture case in this comprehensive overview.

view the process

Learn more about our Civil Forfeiture work.

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