Dyslexics Wanted

Judge Gustavo Gelpi -051
Today we welcome Judge Gustavo Gelpi, appointed to the United States Court of Appeals for the First Circuit in October, 2021. Our podcast is a personal account of a young college student who received much from one of this country’s pioneers in helping students with learning disabilities. Born in Puerto Rico, Gustavo received his undergraduate degree from Brandeis University in Waltham, Massachusetts. There he met and spent considerable time with Dr. Gertrude Webb, her husband Chet and their children. Judge Gelpi has gone on to have a stellar career as a jurist and credits much of his success to the kindness and mentorship of the Webb family.
If you have a story worth sharing on this podcast, write to jordan@chartproductions.com. If you’d like to discover ways to support and become involved with the Webb Innovation Center for Dyslexia, please visit our website at dyslexicswanted.org.