Dyslexics Wanted

John Rinaldo -049
We’re proud to spotlight John Rinaldo, who as he admits, “has this thing called Dyslexia.” Growing up in Canada, John struggled in school for many years until he finally got the help he needed to move forward in life. One of his ambitions was to write and publish a book, something John and those who knew him once thought to be impossible. But hard work, determination and resilience propelled him forward and his dream has become a reality. The book is now available for sale on Amazon and John is donating proceeds from the Audible sales to help children with Dyslexia. His book is entitled Surviving Covid 19: Being Alone was the Best Covid 19 Medicine. John has a hopeful story and is thrilled to share it with listeners to his podcast from around the globe.
If you have a story worth sharing on this podcast, write to jordan@chartproductions.com. If you’d like to discover ways to support and become involved with the Webb Innovation Center for Dyslexia, please visit our website at dyslexicswanted.org.