Dyslexics Wanted

Dyslexics Wanted

Jeff Tackett -035

August 26, 2020

Today’s guest is a dyslexic father of a daughter who also has dyslexia. Jeff never knew he had it until his daughter was diagnosed.  Since then he and his wife have lobbied for legislation in California to recognize learning difficulties. He  is also a teacher for the state of California and work as a counselor for the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation. Jeff is also a dedicated soccer coach for youth, high school, college and pro teams. He is a great help and inspiration  to young players who exhibit dyslexia. If you have a story worth sharing on this podcast, write to jordan@chartproductions.com. If you’d like to discover ways to support and become involved with the Webb Innovation Center for Dyslexia, please visit our website at dyslexicswanted.org