Deadly Discussions

S2 Episode 6 - Mervyn Fernando
Dunghutti Man, Mervyn Fernando joins me on the podcast. Mervyn grew up in Kempsey NSW. After losing his mother at a young age, Mervyn was raised by his father. Growing up as a young Koori boy On Country Mervyn faced the typical obstacles facing our young men.
Which not much work around and lots of reasons to get in trouble. Brother boy Mervyn took a random chance at a job on the other side of the Country, far away from Dunghutti culture and lore.
From cleaning oil rig pipes to harvesting sandalwood in the Simpson Desert. Mervyn’s journey has certainly not been a straight path. Today Mervyn is a young dad with two successful growing brands, Claystone Marketing and Indigenous Medical Supplies, he is a NFP board member and active community member.
Come, sit and listen to the story of Mervyn Fernando, Indigenous entrepreneur.