Celebrity Estates: Wills of the Rich and Famous

Celebrity Estates: Wills of the Rich and Famous

Latest Episodes

Dead Celebrity Ep 18 – Mickey Rooney: Elder Abuse and Preventing Post-Death Litigation — With Vivian Lee Thoreen
February 16, 2020

Sponsored By: FS Investments Numerous post-death estate-litigation cases happen across the U.S. every day. How will you help your clients understand their estate planning decisions and ultimately prevent post-death litigation? In this episode,

Dead Celebrity Ep 17 – Elizabeth Taylor: Going Deep With Your Philanthropy — With Bruce DeBoskey
February 03, 2020

Sponsored By: FS Investments What kind of difference do your clients want to make in the world and for themselves with their philanthropy? In this episode, WealthManagement.coms senior editor, Da

Dead Celebrity Ep 16 – Robert Mugabe: Help Your Clients Face their Estate-Planning Fears — With Jacqueline Bevilaqua
January 21, 2020

Sponsored By: FS Investments There is a special kind of fear that estate planning brings out in many people. As an advisor, how will you help your clients move past this fear enough to do thorough estate planning? In this episode, WealthManagement.

Dead Celebrity Ep 15—Jerry Weintraub: Modern Polyamory—With Kim Kamin
January 06, 2020

If you had a client with multiple spouses, would you know how to handle their estate planning? In this episode, WealthManagement.coms senior editor, David Lenok, speaks with Kim Kamin, principal at

Dead Celebrity – Ep 14 – Rockefeller: Help Your Snowbirds Dodge Tax Pitfalls — With Daniel Bernard
December 13, 2019

Sponsored By: FS Investments Since not all states treat taxes the same, snowbirds who don’t know the rules might experience great heartache when they receive their tax bill.  In this episode, David Lenok, senior editor at WealthManagement.com,

Dead Celebrity Ep 13 – Picasso: The Taxman Cometh — With Sarah McDaniel, CFA
December 02, 2019

Sponsored By: FS Investments Art collections can be a difficult asset to comprehend. You need to surround yourself with highly qualified and good-intentioned experts to ensure your legacy lives on. In this episode, WealthManagement.

Dead Celebrity – Ep 12 – Jerry Buss: Make Succession Planning a Slam Dunk — With Sonya Mughal
November 18, 2019

Have you created a business that you want to outlast you? Do you know who would take over if something were to happen to you? In this episode, David Lenok, senior editor at WealthManagement.com, speaks with Sonya Mughal, COO of Bailard Inc. Together,

Dead Celebrity Ep 11 – Liberace: Planning for LGBTQ Clients — With Bruce Hoffmeister
November 04, 2019

Living a secret life can be so utterly complicated. Take it from Liberace. As you’ll soon find out, it is essential for LGBT couples to have a prenup or partnership agreement that can unfold if a relationship ends. In this episode, David Lenok,

Dead Celebrity Ep 10 – Robin Williams Planned It Right — With Guest Avi Kestenbaum
October 30, 2019

Sponsored by: Nationwide Advisory You can have everything planned out, accounted for, and your family members will still find something to fight over once you are gone.  In this episode of Dead Celebrity, by Informa WealthManagement.com,

Dead Celebrity Ep 9 – Marlon Brando: Loss of Capacity
October 21, 2019

The loss of capacity is a very real threat to all clients, particularly those who are getting older. If your client were to show signs of cognitive impairment, would you know how to proceed with their estate planning? In this episode, David Lenok,