Day in Tech History

Day in Tech History

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October 27, 1999: Dell PC Sales Hit #1
October 26, 2019

1999 – Dataquest, a company that monitors PC sales, has shown a trend that Dell had maintained a 5% lead over Apple for 2 consecutive quarters. Therefore, Dell had become #1 in computer sales for 1999. Of course,

October 26, 1998: First Computer by Thought
October 25, 2019

1998 – A Georgia man became the first person that ran a computer controlled by thought. The subject (known as J.R.) was paralyzed due to stroke. Dr Roy Bakay and Dr. Phillip Kennedy implanted a glass cone into J.R’s brain,

October 25, 1984: Osbourne Vixen, Encore Computers
October 24, 2019

1984– The Osbourne Vixen debuted. Inside was a ZILOG Z80a processor, with 64k RAM and the CP/M OS. Other programs included Wordstar, Supercalc and M-Basic. All this for $1,498.The Encore was also introduced. It was developed by Vadem Inc for $2,195.

October 24, 1995: FCC Coins Term “Internet”
October 23, 2019

1995 – The Federal Networking council officially coins the term Internet: the Council’s Committee on Computing, Information and Communications (CCIC) created the FNC on Sept. 20th, 1995 to act as a forum for networking collaborations among Federal agen...

October 23, 2001: Apple iPod is Announced
October 22, 2019

2011 – Steve Jobs by Walter Issacson was released on Kindle and iBookstore, with a full release at Midnight. The book was planned to be released a lot later. However due to Job’s health, they pushed it up as much as possible.

October 22, 2009: Microsoft Released Windows 7, Server 2008 R2
October 21, 2019

2009 – Microsoft released not only the Windows 7 Operating system, but also Server 2008 R2 (as mentioned on the Windows 7 team blog). Although there are many versions of Windows OS, Windows 7 stood for the 7th kernel update.

October 21, 1949: Wang Patents Magnetic Ferrite Core Memory
October 20, 2019

1949 -An Wang files a patent for magnetic core memory using ferrite. It was entitled “pulse transfer controlling devices.” This was the first sign and the rise of Wang industries – a company that would be a dominant computer to IBM until it’s fall in 1...

October 19, 1985: First Blockbuster Opens
October 18, 2019

1985 – The first Blockbuster opens it’s doors in Dallas, TX by David Cook. The 29 year old store owner eventually sold it to Scott Beck, John Melk and Wayne Huizenga. Eventually it becomes a nation-wide franchise and online movie and game rental store....

October 18, 1931: Passing of Thomas Alva Edison
October 17, 2019

A lot happened on this day that Thomas Edison was responsible for. In 1878, Edison brought electricity into the home. 1879 Edison manufacturers the first incandescent light bulb, which was tested on October 22nd. Two major leaps in the technology ago.

October 17, 1985: Intel 80386DX Processor Released
October 16, 2019

1985– Intel released the 80386 DX processor. The 275,000 transistor chip was a big jump from the 20 MHz 286. It contained the ability to address up to 4 GB of memory and had a bigger instruction set.  The chip would be released,