Day in Tech History

Day in Tech History

Latest Episodes

January 5, 1984: GNU Project Founded
January 04, 2020

1984 – Richard Stallman quit his job at MIT to begin the writing of GNU software. GNU – a recursive acronym for “Not Unix” and reference to the song “the Gnu” – is an operating system that is compatible with Unix software.

January 4, 1904: Thomas Edison Electrocutes an Elephant
January 03, 2020

1904– To show the effects of how dangerous Nikolai Tesla’s Alternating current was, Thomas Alva Edison filmed the electrocution of the elephant, Topsy. This was falsely advertised as the first Elephant to be born in America by the Forepaugh Circus.

January 3, 1977: Apple Computer Corporation is Incorporated
January 02, 2020

1977 – Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak officially incorporate the Apple Computer Corporation. Mike Makkula jr. invests $250,000 in venture capital and becomes the first chairman of Apple. They also decided to move operations of the company outside of Stev...

January 2, 1975: Bill Gates and Paul Allen BASIC for MITS
January 01, 2020

1975 – Bill Gates and Paul Allen write a letter to the Micro Instrumentation and Telemetry System (MITS) stating they have BASIC language for the Intel 8080 processor and would like to incorporate on the Altair computer in exchange for royalty payments...

January 1, 1994: Happy Anniversary Bill and Melinda Gates
January 01, 2020

Happy New Year! 1994 – It was a 6 year office romance that ended in marriage. Best part – where we hear marriages dissolve, this one has continued on for over 20 years. So we wish Bill and Melinda (French) Gates a happy and joyous wedding anniversary.

December 31: Technology Roundup
December 30, 2019

On this day, we basically crunch numbers. This is where you will see companies let you know how much of their products are out there. How many copies of Windows have been sold, how many PC‘s were bought – how much shareware has been downloaded.

December 30, 2008: Does Facebook Allow Breastfeeding?
December 29, 2019

2008 – Facebook made an initiative to remove any picture showing breastfeeding. In return, 11,000 women posted pictures in protest. On June 15, 2014, after the #FreeTheNipple campaign brought success, Facebook officially changed their stance on the sub...

December 29, 2004: Commodore Acquired
December 28, 2019

2004 – Once Commodore dropped from the market in the 80’s, it pretty much started bouncing around the world from company to company. Ultimately it landed in the lap of  KMOS – a Deleware company. However, on this day,

December 28, 1995: 200 Sites Blocked by Compuserve
December 27, 2019

1995 – Compuserve blocks access to over 200 sites that have explicit content. They do it to avoid issue with the German Government. The sites would be blocked until Feb 13, 1996 when all but 5 sites were restored.

December 27, 2001: HotJobs Acquired by Yahoo
December 26, 2019

2001 – Yahoo announces that they will acquire 98.6 percent of the outstanding stock to Sun Microsystems discontinues