The Social World Podcast

164 Anne Longfield CBE
Anne Longfield CBE is the author of Young Lives, Big Ambitions: Transforming Life Chances for Vulnerable Children and Teens.
Anne is CEO of the Centre for Young Lives and was Chair of the Commission on Young Lives.
From March 2015 to February 2021, she was Children’s Commissioner for England.
Anne has spent the last three decades working to improve the life chances of children, particularly the most vulnerable.
She previously led a national children’s charity and has also worked on the delivery of the Sure Start programme in the Cabinet Office.
Anne is a passionate champion for children, influencing and shaping the national debate and policy agenda for children and their families. She spent many years campaigning for better childcare, often at a time when many saw the issue as obscure or niche.
As Children’s Commissioner, Anne spent six years championing the rights and interests of children with those in power who make decisions about children’s lives, acting as children’s ‘eyes and ears’ in the corridors of power in Whitehall and Westminster.
Anne is also Special Advisor to the Lords Public Services Committee on their inquiry into public services and vulnerable children and is the Independent Chair of the NHS Children and Young People Learning Disability and Autism Board.
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