The David J. Harris Jr. Show

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PODCAST: 66 Corruption Files Charged!
Intro Transcript 00:02 It’s Hump Day. Tgi W folks, t g I w. thank God it’s Wednesday. You got to think of her everyday because you know what? Some people did not wake up this morning. Some people didn’t. You got to know it.
ep # 102 Interview Gary Haven
Hello Facebook Family David Harris here and I’m excited to be sitting next to a good friend of mine Gary haven. Gary is the founder of the world’s largest and fastest growing franchise in American history curse. You probably heard about curves.
ep# 101 Ramiro Pena and David Harris Jr. Interview
This is the David James Harris Jr. show I was first introduced to Romero peña from my good friend Lance wall now he shared with me that Ramiro had access to the White House that he was an incredible man of God serving God’s people all over the world.
ep #100 Speaking w Darrell Wilson
Hello family and friends from around the country and around the world. My goodness. My video from yesterday has gone viral. It’s hit one hundred thousand views. Has not even been 24 hours yet.
ep #99 Loretta Lyn, Jim Comey, HLC EXPOSED!
David James Harris junior year proud California deplorable and I’m excited today oh my gosh it is absolutely un raveling it is all on raveling. Just how close we came as a country with Hillary getting an office office with the way Obama was coming out ...
The Believing Entrepreneur
To be a be a be a culture shifter and shaper, we've got to have the mindset of a believing believer, a hoping believer. That starts with being anchored in the fact that all things work together for good,
Pushing Against Resistance
When we can move forward and create a lifestyle of moving forward consistently in faith, pushing against the opposition and the resistance that continually will reveal itself, then we will create and walk in a lifestyle, and create a life,
Co-Laboring with the Father
We co-labor with the Father and with all of heaven by us extending our faith of hope and of trust and a heart of thankfulness and resting in peace. We are extending that out to the kingdom, allowing then and giving the right frequency, if you will,
Become a Strong Finisher
Be a finisher. Be a strong finisher. Finish strong. Choose to finish strong. And choose to create a lifestyle of finishing strong. And in doing that, you will create a lifestyle that, I believe, will have massive, massive blessing and favor on it.