Dave Woodson
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The Dave Woodson show #17
This week was a short week. I delayed and put it off, but I finally got it done. In this weeks show: I asked my friends on Facebook what they were thankful for? I discuss why I am so "open" on Social Media and why I think it is a key to my success no
Coffee with Harrison, the Dave Woodson Podcast
The power of social media has enabled me to talk to and rub elbows with some of the heavy hitters from real estate to SEO to marketing and social media. This week is no different. Â I skype it up with Harrison Painter. We have been friends for a while. W
The Dave Woodson Podcast Show #15 – 7 levels of communication
Wow, when I sat down and decided to do a podcast and I put together a wish list of guests. I never would have imagined the people that I would have had on this show in a few short episodes. Well, Michael Maher was one of them. I knew of Michael for som
How Politicians can use Social Media to get Elected
A couple of weeks ago, I was interviewed by the NWI Times on what I thought local or small town politicians can or should use  social media. I talked about the big 3 of LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter, but then I suggested YouTube. Earlier this year, a f
Social Engagement
Episode #13 This week I talk Social Engagement of local businesses on social media site, like Twitter, Facebook and Google Plus. I really should have included Linked and YouTube, but they are a part of it. Â I mention Mari Smith (http://www.marismith.co
Starting your own business, the Dave Woodson Podcast.
Yeah, this week I start the show a little all over the place, but I think I bring it at the end quiet nicely. Â The good news is that while I was talking I gave myself several good topics for some upcoming show. What do look for in coming weeks and what I
The Dave Woodson Show – Just an Update
This week is just a short little podcast just barely 10 minutes long. Â I wanted to keep a streak alive and update everyone what is going on with me and my businesses.(http://davewoodson.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/bonus1.jpg) I am really enjoying wha
The Dave Woodson Show Podcast #10
 (http://davewoodson.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/timchin_thumb.jpg)This week I had another great guest on the Dave Woodson show. Mr. Timothy(http://davewoodson.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/rli_thumb.jpg) Chin from Kansas City, MO. He is the Founde
Marketing and Branding for Referral Generation
 (http://davewoodson.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/tim.jpg)This week, I had one of my good friends that I have yet to meet face to face Mr. Tim Davis. He is a sales and marketing trainer, a certified John Maxwell speaker and a successful business coac
DaverCast Special Bonus Track
 I was interviewed a couple of weeks ago by a couple that are really doing some amazing things over in the Ft. Wayne with Internet Marketing (http://www.fortwayneinternetbizsuccessstories.com), Amy & Dana Haenner with fortwayneinternetbizsuccessstories