Dave Woodson

Dave Woodson

Latest Episodes

Why I Podcast?
August 07, 2012

The Why and How I podcast? The DaveCast Episode #34 - I keep it short this week with a roughly 22 minute show with a huge promise to win back your trust. I will do more shows. I think I owe that to you all specially after I tell you some of my "Why's".

June 29, 2012

Pinterest has been on hot streak of late and everyone seems to be asking about it, talking about, but most are lost when it comes to using it effectively for business, - Well, this week on the #DaveCast, albeit a short one.

June 29, 2012

Pinterest has been on hot streak of late and everyone seems to be asking about it, talking about, but most are lost when it comes to using it effectively for business, Well, this week on the #DaveCast, albeit a short one. I delve enough into to to whet y

Facebook Timeline – Revisited
June 23, 2012

When it comes to branding one of the best ways to brand yourself or your business via social media.  Nothing seems to beat Facebook, and when Timeline was introduced in late February. I jumped on it even earlier than others with a developer account. Fa

Facebook Timeline – Revisited
June 23, 2012

When it comes to branding one of the best ways to brand yourself or your business via social media.  Nothing seems to beat Facebook, and when Timeline was introduced in late February. I jumped on it even earlier than others with a developer account. -

Find and Convert new leads
March 30, 2012

I met Bernie Borges last year when I was in Florida and Finn and I decided to crash a Tweetup. Well, the nearest thing we could find was a Chamber event, and Bernie just happened to be speaking.  I got a good chance to speak with him at length.

Find and Convert new leads
March 30, 2012

I met Bernie Borges last year when I was in Florida and Finn and I decided to crash a Tweetup. Well, the nearest thing we could find was a Chamber event, and Bernie just happened to be speaking.  I got a good chance to speak with him at length. He was ha

DaveCast #30 – Video Marketing
March 05, 2012

Last Thursday, I spoke to about 45 members of the Dyer Chamber of Commerce at Beggars Pizza. I rigged up my wireless mic to record the session for both video and audio posterity. Some stats that I shared with those in attendance are pretty mind blowing t

why your online strategy needs help?
February 27, 2012

DaveCast #29 Why you suck online and socially? First of all, my podcast schedule is off and I really hope to get back on track this week. In fact, spitballing a little her, I may actually do a podcast while I drive home from Indy Friday night. But, thi

DaveCast #28: QR Codes – the who, what, why and where
February 20, 2012

This week on the #Davecast, it is just me, but that does not mean that it is any less informative. Well, a few weeks ago, I skyped it up with Harrison Painter and Ricky Lee Potts about QR Codes, but somewhere along the line it was deleted and lost to the