Dave Woodson

Dave Woodson

Why I Podcast?

August 07, 2012

The Why and How I podcast? The DaveCast Episode #34(http://davewoodson.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/vintage-microphone-th.jpg)

I keep it short this week with a roughly 22 minute show with a huge promise to win back your trust. I will do more shows. I think I owe that to you all specially after I tell you some of my "Why's".

For my Blog Indiana 2012 session  (http://blogindiana.com/session/view/114), I will address more of the issues of "how-to" and the "why's" of podcasting. I know one of my "Why's" is that I want to expand my brand as a speaker and get paid to speak. So, I think one of the best ways to get myself out there is to do a podcast and with that being said.  I promise I will do more weekly shows.

I share some of the secrets of my podcasting prowess and the tools that I use to record. While I was typing this up I thought of a few more slides to add to the session and I will update the slides as well after the session.
