Dave Woodson

Dave Woodson


June 29, 2012

Pinterest has been on hot streak of late and everyone seems to be asking about it, talking about, but most are lost when it comes to using it effectively for business,

Well, this week on the #DaveCast, albeit a short one. I delve enough into to to whet your appetite and while I am on vacation. I will work up a good 35 to 45 minute session.

What is Pinterest?

Pinterest is a virtual pin board, a virtual inspiration board and/or a virtual scrap board. I

It is all combination of all 3 of those, and  if done properly it can do a lot for your business. It is a great traffic generator and it beats some of the industry’s better known traffic sources, and has more branding power than almost any other social media platform.

What other's are saying?(http://davewoodson.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/pinterest2.jpg)


CNN – 2012’s hottest new website

WSJ – all measures of Pinterest’s growth is phenomenal

Forbes – Pinterest is Social, Visual and Easy to use

You still want more stats?

-          10 million unique visitors (fastest website to ever do this)

-          Drives more traffic out to sites than youtube, google+ and LinkedIn    (combined)

-          Yes, it drives even more traffic than Twitter

-          It has over ten million accounts connected to Facebook

What does Pinterest do?

Users “pin” and share pictures from around the web (should be from their own site) to a giant virtual pinboard. Pintetest helps keep the boards organized and easy to find and share.  The best part, others get to “repin” your pictures on their virtual pinboard, think of a retweet or Facebook share.

Did you know that about 80% of all “pins” are “repins”? In the business we like to call that, “Viral”. Oh, on Twitter only 5% of tweets are retweets.

Why Pinterest?

We are a visual people. I can listen to something and sort of comprehend it. I do better when I take notes, but when I can see something done or see a diagram. I am all over it, and a lot of people are that way. All you need to do is look at some of the top categories of Pins and you will see why.

* home décor – when is the last time you bought a couch site unseen
* architecture
* food – we all love to look at good food
* Local Interest – yes, even Northwest Indiana (http://pinterest.com/annehornyak/northwest-indiana/) has it’s own board

The demographic is mostly female mostly falling in the age group 24 to 45, but males are coming on strong with a 68.2% to 31.8% ratio*.

I covered the what, what and why you should consider adding to social media strategy. In part 2, I will cover more why and more how you should use Pinterest for you and your business.
