Dave Woodson
Find and Convert new leads
I met Bernie Borges last year when I was in Florida and Finn and I decided to crash a Tweetup. Well, the nearest thing we could find was a Chamber event, and Bernie just happened to be speaking. I got a good chance to speak with him at length. He was handing out copies of his book Marketing 2.0 to anyone that wanted one. I read it pretty much cover to cover over the next few weeks.(http://davewoodson.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/bernie-speaker-quote-300x108.png)
Bernie and his digital marketing company, FindandConvert.com (http://findandconvert.com/) is about to experience 10 years in business. The funny thing is we both experience the same phenomena. He called the Jesus Phenomena; you will understand what he meant when you listen.
As always as it seems to be my interview style it is more conversational, but informative. I started the call sharing with Bernie a “cease and desist” letter that I had just received via email. Though no fault of my own, it is always best to know who you are working with and always check their work. It has since been handled, but that led me into talking about Facebook.
We hit upon:
- Inbound Marketing
Can we give away too much?
- Marketing 2.0
- Marketing 3.0 – Social Business (something that IBM is getting behind)
I asked Bernie about his 3 –F’s video
* Failure
* Focus
* Family
We got so comfortable with each other I really tossed out my questions. I hope you enjoy listening to Bernie as much as I enjoyed talking to him. Also, check out his site BernieBorges (http://www.bernieborges.com/) and join his Career Central site it is chocked full of great free information.
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