Dating - It is what it is

Dating - It is what it is

Latest Episodes

I’m the literal worst...
March 02, 2019

Do ever turn a date into a joke? Because I did, and I realize that probably wasn’t way cool of me. Let’s give the nice guys a shot. Persistence pays off... kinda.

Garbage Communication
February 21, 2019

We are the worst communicators, and we aren’t helping ourselves. Help?

February 08, 2019

Catfishing is a real thing with online dating. How to avoid it, and possibly address it if necessary. And our personal stories...

Do’s & Don’ts of First Dates
January 30, 2019

First date tips, or common sense

Dating, It Is What It Is
January 27, 2019

Welcome to my podcast, we are talking all things online dating. The struggle is real, and were here to talk about it. Stay tuned for Episode 1.