
Utilization-Focused Evaluation with Michael Quinn Patton
In this episode, I interview Michael Quinn Patton on Utilization-Focused Evaluation. “What don’t you know, that if you did know, would make a difference to what you do.” Utilization-Focused Evaluation with Michael Quinn Patton, Ph.D. “What don’t you know, that if you did know, would make a difference to what you do?” The importance of good questions and careful thought with Michael Quinn Patton, Ph.D., interview by James Pann, Ph.D. Michael Quinn Patton is the Founder and CEO of Utilization-Focused Evaluation, an independent organizational development and program evaluation organization. He has authored numerous books on evaluation, including Blue Marble Evaluation (2019), Principles-Focused Evaluation (2018), Facilitating Evaluation (2018), Developmental Evaluation (2010) and Utilization-Focused Evaluation (2008). During the interview Michael answers the following questions and addresses other areas: OUTLINE:00:00 – Introduction02:10 – Definition of Utilization-Focused Evaluation (U-FE)04:11 – How developmental evaluation, principles-focused evaluation, and blue marble evaluation fit in with U-FE07:44 – What’s emphasized in U-FE that is not in other evaluation approaches10:03 – How U-FE can be used in conjunction with other evaluation models11:49 – Specific strategies and tactics for engaging project stakeholders in an evaluation15:00 – Lessons from social sciences research literature that inform Michael’s evaluation work17:35 – Common things that evaluators think they already know, but often don’t18:45 – Best way to really learn how to do evaluations and recommendations for students and beginning evaluators23:36 – Relationship between mindfulness and evaluation26:52 – Resources to obtain familiarity with using U-FE28:13 – Books that Michael likes to give as gifts31:04 – How to connect with Michael
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Watch the video recording of our interview here: