I'm Not In An Abusive Relationship

I'm Not In An Abusive Relationship

Why a 30-Day Shelter Isn't Realistic for Victims of Abuse

December 30, 2020

Historically, shelters for victims of abuse were limited to 30 days. However, most of the time when a survivor is transitioning from an abusive home into their own home, it takes longer to make all of the necessary changes. At DASAS, while we work to keep our clients' stays as temporary as possible so they can find their own paths (survivor-led recovery is vital to our mission), we are no longer limited to 30 days. Our DASAS panel discusses the history of the 30-day shelter and what recovery looks like today.


If you need resources or help in any way, call our 24 hour hotline at 800-828-2023 or visit www.DASASMI.org.

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