I'm Not In An Abusive Relationship
Survivor Story - Successful CEO and Podcaster Laura Owens Shares Her Story to Inspire and Encourage
On this episode, Laura Owens, co-host of the #8 ranked All-Time Bestselling Entrepreneurship show on Apple Podcast Nobody Told Me!, joins Dan to share her survivor story.
"Ironically, Nobody Told Me! was created at the darkest time of my life," Laura says. "I was desperate to hear inspirational stories from other people."
Laura asked to share her story with you, our listeners, to help break the stigma about this public health crisis that plagues every corner of our society and does not discriminate.
"I want to share the power of random acts of kindness, because it was the random act of kindness from a stranger that was the catalyst for my leaving the abusive relationship I was in. What that kind stranger did for me, I want to do for others. I also want to remind women to check in on their friends, even if they look like they're living the perfect life on instagram. When I was at my all time low, you would never have been able to tell. Maybe taking small steps, like simply supporting each other is the key."
If you need resources or help in any way, call our 24 hour hotline at 800-828-2023 or visit www.DASASMI.org.
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