Productivity and Mindset with Darren Danks

Productivity and Mindset with Darren Danks

Episode 8 - 3 Affirmations to change your day

March 13, 2019

Episode 8 - 3 Affirmations to change your day

In the personal development field, affirmations are the bread and butter tool and rightly so. Affirmations, done over time, can not only hack our sub-conscious to believe those affirmations, they also help to re-wire the neural pathways in our brain through a process called neuroplasticity.

Affirmations are phrases that are very positive. You say them to yourself each day, morning and night (and through the day too) to begin changing our sub-conscious mind. You see, our sub-conscious can’t differentiate between what’s real and what isn’t, that’s why we have such huge reactions when we totally get into a movie, our rational conscious mind is bypassed.

One trick when you’re creating your affirmations is to say them in a process style rather than an ‘as it is’ style. For example, instead of saying “I am confident”, use “I am becoming more each day”. This helps bypass the part of your brain that questions. If you use “I am confident” your mind could reply to itself saying “Really???”, but the process way of wording the affirmations can help stop that and become much more effective.

1: I am becoming more confident each day

2: Today I choose to have a fantastic day

3: I am fully in control of my emotions


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