Dark To Light with Frank & Beanz

Latest Episodes
The Last Episode of Dark to Light The End of an Era
Today was the last episode of Dark to Light, but the beginning of a new chapter. Happy New Year! Audio only podcast listeners! Find the show on your fave podcasting platform by mid January by searchin
Visa’s and Mastercards
Its a hell of a way to end the year this year, with Frank and Beanz together to talk about the cooky, the crazy, the conspiratorial, and the hopeful. Join us for an hour of wellness, aliens, drones,
It’s Christmas Time, But There’s Still Some News
Its Christmas time! We have a trip with Beanz today on what the new year will look like, with some news, some laughter and some fun sprinkled in. Are you ready to take a new journey? Are you ready fo
Friday’s are FUN!
We have astronauts, feminism and the Hindenburg today on a show full of synchronicity and a ton of laughs. Frank joins as he and Beanz peruse the interwebs for things to start this weekend off right.
Justice for Devin Perkins
Devin Perkins was 22 years old in 2022 when he was the designated driver driving he and his friends home after some fun on the town in Florida. Tragedy struck when a man driving the wrong way in a Toy
A Monday Smorgasbord and Blast from the Past
We are going down memory lane today, with Eric Prince and Blackwater interviewed on Breitbart about the Weiner laptop and why that is coming up again now. Plus, another podcast Beanz is glued to that
Got Conspiracy Theories
Got Conspiracy Theories? This drone thing is getting even more crazy, and we go through some of the hypocrisy today on Conspiracy Friday. Disclosure? Government? They are lying to our faces now, so
Drones Over Jersey, Jay-Z and More
Its a busy one today! We start off with some idiocy on the left and some peppermint commie Italian misappropriation and move to the important stuff first, its the halt of a trial for a pediatric mR
Aaron Siri on Ruling in FDA Pfizer Documents Case
We have a great show for you today, and also some awesome announcements! Starting the first week of January, the podcast is changing times and moving FIVE DAYS A WEEK!! That means more show, and a sho
Friday Shenans
Its time for the weekend. Yea, we did cats, we did aliens, we did drones, and we did a whole segment on Marisa Tomei turning 60 It is a great sendoff to the weekend as we move through this holiday s