Biocast Addendum

Biocast Addendum

Latest Episodes

Practical Advice from Napoleon
July 13, 2019

Napoleon went from a sickly kid to the Emperor of France. This podcast analyzes his life principles that helped him do it.   Check out the website.

How Hitler Ruined Fascism
July 10, 2019

Did Adolf Hitler ruin fascism when he created his own brand of it with national socialism in the Third Reich? Let's take a look.   Check out the website.

Americas more communist than you think
July 04, 2019

Is America a communist country? Through the lens of the 10 planks of communism, you might think so...   Check out the website.

How Communism Rewards Evil
July 02, 2019

Communism punishes the good. We know this. But did you know it rewards evil?   Check out the website.

Inside the Mind of Adolf Hitler
May 26, 2019

Adolf Hitler certainly had some kind of mental illness... right? In this Dark History Podcast, we explore the psychology behind the dictator of the Third Reich.   Check out our website.

Should You Learn History
May 04, 2019

Check out the website

Why Does Genocide Happen?
April 24, 2019

Check out the website

The Smartest Thing Napoleon Ever Did
March 11, 2019

Napoleon Bonaparte is recognized as brilliant for a number of things. But one is very seldom addressed.   Napoleon Bonaparte Biocast 

Jim Jones and The Genocide at Jonestown
January 19, 2019

Jim Jones was a cult leader who created the Peoples Temple. He established the "utopian" Jonestown where he murdered the entire community. Show notes
