Dan Lok Show

Dan Lok Show

Latest Episodes

This Is How Successful People Manage Their Time
September 18, 2020

How come some people accomplish more than others? We all have 365 days a year... Ultimately, it comes down to how you use your time. Listen now for 3 tips on how successful people manage their time. Investor mindset or waster mindset - what do you choose?

Crisis Triangle – 12 Ways To Grow Your Business During A Global Crisis
September 15, 2020

No matter if you run a small business or a multi-million company, the crisis triangle will work for you. Listen to this episode to discover all 12 ways to grow your business during a global crisis. If you took away anything from this video,

How To Write Better Copy, Faster
September 14, 2020

If you want to write better copy, faster you have to turn of your critical mind. Listen to this episode to find out Dan Lok’s strategy to writing faster. Share this video with a friend who could double their income just by writing fast.

How The Coronavirus Outbreak Will Change Careers And Lives For The Foreseeable Future
September 12, 2020

Have the lockdowns pulled out the rug from underneath your feet? Don’t know if your business or job will go back to normal? Listen to this episode to discover how the Coronavirus outbreak will change careers and lives for the foreseeable future.

The Dark Side Of High Income Skills (What No One Tells You)
September 10, 2020

Are you thinking about learning a high income skill? Maybe you heard about it from Dan and know it’s the only way to recession-proof your income. But here’s what no one tells you. There are some things you should watch out for.

5 Proven Ways To Start A Copywriting Career With No Portfolio (And No Experience)
September 08, 2020

When you are starting out as a copywriter getting gigs is hard. Your prospects want to see samples of your work, but you don’t have any yet. So, you need clients to get experience but you need experience to get clients.

6 Tips On How To Have A Strong Relationship – Alpha Man Smart Woman
September 06, 2020

Finally, a new episode of Alpha Man Smart Woman. So many of you were asking to bring Jennie back to the channel. Here we are with 6 tips on how to have a strong relationship. Which tip is your favorite? Comment below.

7 Subject Lines That Get Your Emails Opened
September 04, 2020

Did you know? The purpose of your email subject line is to get your emails opened. If your emails don’t get enough response, listen now and take notes for the 7 subject lines that get your emails opened. Which one of the 7 will you use right away?

Clients Say, “I’ll wait until COVID-19 is over.” And You Say, “…”
September 02, 2020

Having trouble with your clients lately? Are they telling you “I’ll wait until COVID-19 is over.”? During a crisis, you have to change your approach. A client might give you the COVID-19 objection and you say “...” Listen to this episode to find out.

Content Writing Vs. Copywriting – Which One Is Better For You?
August 31, 2020

Content writing vs copywriting - which one is better for you? Should you hire a copywriter or a content writer? Or, if you are getting into writing yourself, should you focus on content writing or copywriting? Listen to this episode to find out.