Daily Wisdom in 2 Minutes or Less

Daily Wisdom in 2 Minutes or Less

Latest Episodes

You DO Not Have a Time Problem
May 19, 2020

"I have no time" doesn't make any sense. Rob explains what the actual problem is.

Validate Yourself
May 17, 2020

We all want to validated. But don't look to others for that. Look inside.

Learn to be Still
May 14, 2020

Why being still helps you have a clear and present mind.

Three Reasons Why
May 12, 2020

How to master your tendency to make assumptions.

Steer Straight Into it
May 07, 2020

Three strategies for dealing with challenges - only one works

It Just Is
May 06, 2020

Wise people do not wish things were different. They accept things as they are.

First, Look After the Capacity
May 04, 2020

The principle of the p/pc balance

How to Make Anything Easy
May 03, 2020

A simple truth (and strategy) for how to make anything easier

Don't Fear the Plateaux
April 30, 2020

Why going nowhere is OK for a while.

Say What You Really Think. Here's Why.
April 29, 2020

Why speaking up is way better than complying