Daemons Discuss!

Daemons Discuss!

The One With the Bad Seed

June 06, 2021

TBOL ch 13It's time for Benjamin to triple-down on his awfulness. This time, he relishes in terrorizing Miriam to the point of her chanting prayers while in distress. No fear, Miriam. Chris will save the day! Maybe. In the meantime, Matthew tries to keep his cool, while Diana walks a tightrope between quelling Matthew's protectiveness, and trying to make us feel comfortable with Chris's. Neither is working. This episode continues the theme of our Chris dislike, but there were good conversations to be had, as far as breaking down the "why". Thanks for sticking with us through the last episode, and take our advice: Don't put too much stock in our feelings and opinions, we offer them as ideas to think about. It's your impression/opinion that matters when it comes to interpreting the chapters for your rereads.Full show notes: go.DaemonsDiscuss.com/82In this episode:By the segment . . .-(00:15) Intro/Patreon sponsorship-(02:14) Discusser emails/Speakpipe - Thank you Marclyn, Flori and Chloe-(07:27) Main discussion - Chapter 13 of The Book of Life - sponsored by Catherine Brown.-(1:10:22) Housekeeping - Thank you listeners for your reviews, Zoe, and Constance — sponsored by Wendy Taylor-(1:18:04) Save It For the Show - What to do during the slow times - Sponsored by Aimee Green-(1:30:02) Promo break - scroll down, or click here to get a hold of us and/or become a Discusser -- information on joining our Facebook group also located on that page. -(1:31:34) Last thoughts/Outro. Informational links:-The origin of the name "The Bad Seed" comes from this movie: The Bad Seed-The Tuskegee experiment (newspaper headlines put this on blast in 1974 ... not that long ago!)-Sidonia the Sorceress: The painting - The book-Gregor Mendel-Charles Darwin-Josef Mengele-J. Marion Sims-Otmar Freiherr von Verschuer-Leo Stanley-Jerry Donohue-Bach - The St. Matthew's PassionMore:-Join us on Patreon (as little as $2 monthly will gain you access to extra episodes + different level incentives for those who join at higher tiers!)-A Discovery of Witches TV News info (Continually updated; scenes, sets, trailer video, official photographs, casting + more)-Become a Discusser (contact info located there as well)-Email us directly: DaemonsDiscuss@gmail.com-Call & Leave a voicemail! 1 (360) 519-7836 or hit us up on SpeakPipe -Our Podcast Page: DaemonsDiscuss.com -Our Main Site: DaemonsDomain.com -Social Media: Twitter - @DaemonsDiscuss, Facebook - Daemons Discuss & Instagram - @daemonsdiscuss-To join our private, listener-only Facebook group, apply here: Join Daemonic Discussers The "word" is "F*cking Firedrake"-To see/hear all of our chapter reviews, check out this list: Chapter Review Episodes-TV show reviews? Go here: A Discovery of Witches TV Reviews-To check out all of our episodes go here: Daemons Discuss! Full Episode List-Get your Daemon merch here: go.DaemonsDiscuss.com/shop -- and for 2020, our enamel FTSIO pins (+ masks and T-shirts) can be found here: go.DaemonsDiscuss.com/FTSIO2020Credits/Copyright Information * Intro music: "Ghost Dance" (edited down to second chorus) by Kevin Macleod, licensed for use by Creative Commons.* Outro music: Rimsky-Korsakov - "Scheherazade Symphonic Suite for Orchestra Op.35 - IV. Allegro molto," Public domain/copyright-free. * "Save it for the Show" segment introduction voiceover by Devyn Grendell  * Cover art (+ all variations associated w/ it): © Daemons Domain* The term "unofficial" is explained in our disclaimer located in Terms of Use - item 14.* The Daemons Discuss podcast is hosted and produced by the owners (Angela, Jean and Valerie) of Daemons Domain and can also be found by entering the url http://www.DaemonsDiscuss.com in your browser, (listed on the various podcast syndicates like Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, etc.) which will redirect you back to the parent site, Daemons Domain.* This podcast is intended for personal download/consumption. Please see our Terms of Use; i