Daemons Discuss!
The One With So Much
TBOL ch1We've dusted off our copies of The Book of Life, opened it to chapter 1, and now we realize how much information this chapter actually contains! Not only do we get a glimpse of what has been going on in Sept-Tours while we were gone, but we get to see the events through different eyes, which paints a larger, more precise picture for us to study. New beginnings, indeed! Take this one in shifts, or power through the whole episode. It's one of the longer ones!See full show notes: go.DaemonsDiscuss.com/68Join us on Patreon (as little as $2 monthly will gain you access to extra episodes + different level incentives for those who join at higher tiers!)A Discovery of Witches TV News info (Continually updated; scenes, sets, trailer video, official photographs, casting + more)Become a Discusser (contact info located there as well)Email us directly: DaemonsDiscuss@gmail.comCall & Leave a voicemail! 1 (360) 519-7836 or hit us up on SpeakPipe Our Podcast Page: DaemonsDiscuss.com Our Main Site: DaemonsDomain.com Social Media: Twitter - @DaemonsDiscuss, Facebook - Daemons Discuss & Instagram - @daemonsdiscussTo join our private, listener-only Facebook group, apply here: Join Daemonic Discussers The "word" is "F*cking Firedrake"To see/hear all of our chapter reviews, check out this list: Chapter Review EpisodesTV show reviews? Go here: A Discovery of Witches TV ReviewsTo check out all of our episodes go here: Daemons Discuss! Full Episode ListGet your Daemon merch here: go.DaemonsDiscuss.com/shopIn this episode:By the segment . . .(00:15) Intro/Patreon sponsorship(05:40) Discusser emails/Speakpipe - Thank you Samantha R, our Journeyman Daemon Zoe, and Chloe the Vampire Down-Under!(15:09) Main discussion - see topic below; sponsored by Kimberly Babcock(1:16:00) Housekeeping - Thank you Vampire Nurse Elizabeth, Kimberly, and an awesome review from Tedder76 !* Sponsored by Susie Glenn(1:20:54) Save It For the Show - Topic: Intellectual property reminder; sponsored by Amy Austin-Taggart(1:11:05) Promo break - scroll down, or click here to get a hold of us and/or become a Discusser -- information on joining our Facebook group also located on that page. (1:29:43) Last thoughts/Outro. Informational links:Tortilla Española recipeTemple of ArtemisAlhamdulillah; the meaning.Numinous, defined. The word "Dom" as an honorificWeekend at Bernie’sHouse partyThe HangoverCredits/Copyright Information * Intro music: "Ghost Dance" (edited down to second chorus) by Kevin Macleod, licensed for use by Creative Commons.* Outro music: Rimsky-Korsakov - "Scheherazade Symphonic Suite for Orchestra Op.35 - IV. Allegro molto," Public domain/copyright-free. * 'The Price is Right' Theme Song -- both Wikipedia and IMDb credits Edd Kalehoff as composer, but check it—Edd Kalehoff’s Wikipedia page has this line: “Composer of about 1,000 pieces…his credits include the majority of cues used on The Price is Right (although the 1972 theme is officially attributed to Sheila Cole).” -- Used as celebration music for Jean's toilet paper shipment, cause she 'won'! Get it? Oy...we know we are pushing it but -- it was used as strictly PARODY! Please don't sue us!* Jack & Diane" is a 1982 hit rock song written and performed by American singer-songwriterJohn Mellencamp, then performing as "John Cougar." It appears on Mellencamp's album American Fool. Used in the context of Fair Use -- An 8 second clip of the guitar intro was presented.* "A Fifth of Beethoven" is a disco instrumental recorded by Walter Murphy and the Big Apple Band, adapted from the famous first movement of Ludwig van Beethoven's Symphony No. 5. Used in the context of Fair Use -- A 7.35 second clip of the adapted arrangement was presented.* "Save it for the Show" segment introduction voiceover by Devyn Grendell * Cover art (+ all variations associated w/ it): © Daemons Domain* The term "unofficial" is explained in our disclaimer located in Terms of Use