Dad So Hard

Latest Episodes
Say Goodbye to Body Shaming and Go Buckeyes
So much to be thankful for this week. Seth Marks and Vinnie Dunleavy debate use of twitter for Dads, negative vs. positive commentary and what’s best for kids self-esteem. Elyssa makes a rare appearan
Saving Face! What’s a Dad to Do?
This week Seth Marks and Vinnie Dunleavy debate holiday decor while also doing a deep dive into the latest trends in mens grooming and what lengths theyll go to so stay looking young. For more info
Listen with Passion, Lessons from Our Dads
This week Seth Marks and Vinnie Dunleavy reflect on lessons from their own dads, how they both have approached being a work in progress and the challenges of active listening. Welcome to Dad So Hard N
Settle City, Mullets and More. Season Five Premiere with Seth Marks
Welcome Back Dad So Hard Nation to a new season, with a new co-host but same old Dad advice. Seth Marks joins Vinnie to share stories, life advice and their trials and tribulations as fathers each wee
111 Dads in Education – Vote for Your BOE – Guest Mike Tretola
Our kids education is key. We are meeting up with Dad So Hard Nation father Mike Tretola to understand more about his passion to be involved in his daughters education and running for the local Board
Chris Meyer- Fathering Through the Years, On and Off the Court
This week Im joined by author and father Chris Meyer. His latest book Four MonthsAnd A Lifetime is the touching true story of a father who coached his sons basketball team from kindergarten throu
Donte Palmer - Fatherhood and Bathrooms Have Never Looked Better
Meet Donte Palmer the everyday dad who become the leader of a culture revolution helping fathers around the world change diapers with the Squat For Change movement. @squatforchange Listen to his story
D'Anthony Ward - The Dad Vlog's Family Fun
Meet DAnthony Ward the star, producer and business executive behind The Dad Vlog TV Series. DAnthony share his life and insights weekly and is determine to be a positive
Sean Hill - Epic Dad Life as a Stay at Home Dad
Meet Sean Hill a stay-at-home dad whos taken over Tik Tok as EpicDadlife. Seans a father who chose his family to support and with his wife decided to be the stay at home parent. Here the challenges,
Mark Savant: Inspiring Better Fatherhood, Pulling from All Aspects of Your Life
Meet Mark Savant a father, entrepreneur and business coach. Here how you can bring what makes you successful at work to your full life and family. visi for more info or @@mark