Daddy Mojo-kidlit, children's books and comic books
All age comic books for August 7
Happy back to school time of year! Alternately, happy end of
your vacation and here are this week’s all age comic books. If you’re looking
for a comic book for someone in elementary school this is one of the best weeks
in months. Almost every book is aimed somewhat at elementary school age
If you’re new here or just checking back after the summer we’ve
got a new rating system. It’s quite simple and will really help with any
recommendations as to what all age comic books or graphic novels are
appropriate for whom.
Pre-K: those crawlers, toddlers and early walkers 2-5
E: Anyone in elementary school will enjoy this book.
LE: Lower elementary readers who are 4-8 will enjoy this
UE: Upper elementary readers are those who are 9 and up.
M: M is for middle school, those readers that are 12 and
H: H is for high school and you won’t see much of that
Archie Married Life 10 Years Later, UE, M