Daddy Mojo-kidlit, children's books and comic books

Latest Episodes
Episode 161: Brandon and the Totally Troublesome Time Machine is deep, shallow and fun
Brandon and the Totally Troublesome Time Machine is a funny book thats smarter than it looks, bu...
Episode 160: 1001 Silly Would You Rather Questions to Spark Family Fun
The Ultimate Book of Would You Rather Questions is the silly, fun, left-field, impossible queries...
Episode 158: Black Lives: Great Minds of Science, niche #stem in a go-to graphic novel
Black Lives: Great Minds of Science is a non-fiction graphic novel that profiles nine STEM scient...
Episode 159: Chicka Chicka Ho Ho Ho, an instant illustrated classic regardless of the time of year
Chicka Chicka Ho Ho Ho follows a similar format as its classic namesake, but wrinkles in some Chr...
Episode 157: Jonas Hanway’s Umbrella, makes #nonfiction fun for early elementary, #entrepreneur
Jonas Hanways Umbrella is a stranger than (non) fiction tale about a man that made the umbrella ...
Episode 156: Butt or Face? Revenge of the Butts, funny non-fiction that sucks in kid readers
Butt or Face? Revenge of the Butts combines the curious and the gross in an age-appropriate natur...
Episode 155: Courtesy of Cupid, mglit that asks what if the God of Love was your daddy?
Courtesy of Cupid, an effortless to read mglit about a teen girl whos the daughter of the God of...
Episode 154: Amazing Abe, an illustrated book that's more than niche history
Amazing Abe, an illustrated book about a Jewish immigrant newspaper magnate is much more than you...
Episode 153: The First Cat in Space and the Soup of Doom slays sophomore curse
The First Cat in Space and the Soup of Doom is the second in this intelligent and absurd graphic ...
Episode 152: The Otherwoods, bait and switch mglit on acceptance cloaked in a horror robe
The Otherwoods is LGBTQ acceptance in sheep-horror clothing. Its not scary enough for the later,...