Daddy Squared: The Gay Dads Podcast

Daddy Squared: The Gay Dads Podcast

Gay Dads Save The World, Day 16: The Paramedic

May 07, 2020

A daily dose of gay dads on the front lines of the global pandemic: Jonathon Miller is a paramedic in West Virginia and a dad of three with his husband Blair.

"I've been a paramedic now for 20 years, I've seen a lot in 20 years, I responded to the Pentagon on 9/11, I've been in Guatemala and delivered a baby, I've been in Mission trips there, I've delivered babies in the back of a cab, I've held family members' hands when their loved ones is taking their last breath--but nothing prepared me for CoVID-19."

Every day we call one gay dad who is an essential worker, and ask him the same questions: how has his changed during the pandemic, how it effected the family, and so on. These are bite-size episodes (“podcast extras”) that are designed to show the world the contribution of members of the gay dads community during global crisis like this.

We are very sensitive to all those who have suffered first hand from the virus, but we also want to try to change the energy and point the silver linings of this very special period in time.

Click here for the full list of dads