Dad Life Now

Dad Life Now

Dad Life Now – Episode #3

October 08, 2015

Welcome to Dad Life now practical tools for being a disciple making dad. This is Mike McDonough.

Hey guys! We need to make sure that our kids know how much we adore our wives. They need to know that our wives our the #1 person in our lives. They are the number one person we care about. We need to constantly tell our kids how great our wives are; how great they are at this or that. They need to know how smart she is or beautiful she is.

Our kids need to know that we absolutely adore our wives.

We want sons who adore their wives and daughters whose husbands adore them. Let's begin that disciple making process now at whatever age your kids are now (even if they are young). We can model that. Make sure that your kids now that you adore your wife.