Dad Life Now

Dad Life Now

Dad Life Now – Episode #2

October 01, 2015

Welcome to Dad Life Now practical tools for being a disciple making dad.
This is Mike McDonough.

Here is one simple tip to help you engage with your family when you arrive home from work.

Take your phone out of your pocket and place it on the kitchen counter. Only pick it up once an hour for the rest of the night. Or just leave it alone. You can walk by and check for calls/messages. But why would you want to do that when you can go play with your kids and hang out with your wife.

Show your family that they are more important that who or whatever is on the other side of your smartphone. Show your family through time and attention that you love and care for them. Ditch the phone. Instead pick up a kid, go throw a ball, have a tea party, maybe even a dance party, or listen to some of their music.

Just remember when your kid tells you not to be "that dad." I am telling you to go ahead and be "that dad."