CXMH: On Faith & Mental Health

CXMH: On Faith & Mental Health

138 - Autism, Faith, & the Gifts of Neurodiversity (feat. Daniel Bowman Jr.)

October 25, 2021

Daniel Bowman Jr. stops by the show to talk with us about neurodiversity, seeing our differences as a gift, and some of his own personal story. Daniel is the author of On The Spectrum: Autism, Faith & the Gifts of Neurodiversity. In the intro, Robert & Holly talk about things they’ve learned about themselves as adults.

Connect with Daniel on his website, on Facebook, on Twitter, on Instagram, or buy On The Spectrum: Autism, Faith & the Gifts of Neurodiversity on Amazon.

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Connect with Holly on her website, Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram.

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Intro/Outro music for this episode is ‘Fall Down’ by Rivers & Robots.
