CXMH: On Faith & Mental Health

CXMH: On Faith & Mental Health

136 - Motherhood & Contemplative Spirituality (feat. Shannon Evans)

October 11, 2021

This week we’re joined by Shannon Evans to talk about her new book Rewilding Motherhood: Your Path to an Empowered Feminine Spirituality. In the intro, Holly gets a fun surprise and Robert gets a pillow!

Things we mention in this episode/other resources:

- ep. 134 - Prayers & Liturgies for Parents (feat. Kayla Craig)

- ep. 118 - Ambivalence, Narratives, and Making Hard Changes (feat. Dr. Linda Buchanan)

- ep. 108 - Balanced Working Moms (feat. Dr. Amber Thornton)

- ep. 89 - Trying Softer, Self Compassion, & Moving from Survival to Joy (feat. Aundi Kolber)

- ep. 34 - Self-Image, Parenting, & Learning to Love Ourselves As We Are (feat. Hillary McBride)

- ep. 21 - Emotions Aren't Evil (feat. Marc Alan Schelske)

Connect with Shannon on her website, Facebook, and Instagram. Order Rewilding Motherhood: Your Path to an Empowered Feminine Spirituality on Amazon.


- “Boundaries offer us a chance to know ourselves so that we can give in love and generosity and not out of resentment and not feeling stuck.” (tweet)

- “It is a difficult thing to be expected to be at peace at all times.” (tweet)

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Intro/Outro music for this episode is ‘Fall Down’ by Rivers & Robots.