CXMH: On Faith & Mental Health

Season 8 Is Here!
Robert and Holly return to kick off Season 8 of CXMH!
Things we mention in this episode/other resources:
- CXMH ep. Recast - Getting the Rest You Actually Need (feat. Dr. Saundra Dalton-Smith)
- CXMH ep. 168 - Our Teens are Sleep-Deprived (& It's Hurting Their Mental Health) (feat. Lisa L. Lewis)
- CXMH ep. 169 - Enneagram Stances, Balance, & Moving Towards Wholeness (feat. Suzanne Stabile)
- CXMH ep. 163 - Mr. Rogers, Hospital Chaplaincy, & Living as a Holistic Story (feat. Rick Lee James)
- CXMH ep. 166 - Humility in a Narcissistic World (feat. Dr. Daryl Van Tongeren)
- CXMH ep. 159 - Creativity, Faith, & Mental Health (feat. Stephen Roach)
- CXMH ep. 158 - Peace as a Practice (feat. Morgan Harper Nichols)
Connect with Robert on his website, Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram.
Connect with Holly on her website, Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram, or buy her book The Soul of the Helper: Seven Stages to Seeing the Sacred Within Yourself So You Can See It in Others.
Connect more with CXMH on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram.
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- make a pledge on Patreon and get rewards like submitting questions for upcoming interviews, a mug, sticker, t-shirt, or more!
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- Check out other episodes and find your favorites guests on our website.
Intro/Outro music for this episode is ‘Fall Down’ by Rivers & Robots.