Cut The Fat Weight Loss Podcast | Weight Loss Motivation | Diet Advice | Lose Weight | Fitness

Cut The Fat Weight Loss Podcast | Weight Loss Motivation | Diet Advice | Lose Weight | Fitness

Latest Episodes

Episode 63: How Often Should I Eat To Lose Weight
February 13, 2013

The topic of meal frequency has not been a topic of much controversy because most experts just assumed that eating 4-6 small meals per day was superior to 3 meals or less per day. Assumptions are a dangerous thing... What does the science say about meal

Episode 62: The Carb Curfew & Mailbag
December 19, 2012

In today's episode, we go through the mailbag to answer questions that were posted on our Facebook page. In addition, we discuss a very interesting study sent to us by Andrea, one of our awesome listeners! The study, titled "Greater Weight Loss And Hormo

Episode 61: Meal Replacements for Weight Loss – What’s Their Place
November 09, 2012

Should you use meal replacements when trying to lose weight or are they just a crutch? If so, how do you get the most out of them? In today's podcast episode, we cover the topic of the role of meal replacement shakes, how they differ from meal adjuvant s

Episode 60: The Gabriel Method With Jon Gabriel
October 25, 2012

In this interview with Jon Gabriel, author of the book The Gabriel Method, we discuss the impact of stress on our body's ability to store and release fat. Jon reports that emotional stress changes the chemistry in such a way that makes it want to store f

Episode 59 – All About Metabolism and Weight Loss With Jonathan Bailor
October 02, 2012

Your lifestyle is the single most important factor in metabolism and weight loss is dependent on a rocking metabolism! In today's podcast, Jonathan Bailor, from The Smarter Science of Slim, joins Dr. Ray Hinish to discuss the metabolism for weight loss.

Episode 58: The 7 Core Guiding Principles Of Fat Loss
September 17, 2012

In this episode, we teach you the 7 Core Guiding Principles of Cut the Fat that act as the framework by which we analyze the hordes of incoming weight loss tips, tricks, tactics, etc. We consider this one of the most important episodes because these seve

Episode 57: Exercise for Weight Loss Round Table with Dr. Jade Teta & Jonathan Bailor
August 27, 2012

What role does exercise really play in your fat loss program? Although Blythe and I have covered this topic in numerous episodes, today we join Dr. Jade Teta of The Metabolic Effect and Jonathan Bailor of The Smarter Science of Slim to dig deeper into th

Episode 56: Exterminating the Calorie Myth – An Interview with Jonathan Bailor of The Smarter Science of Slim
August 03, 2012

If you're serious about burning fat and keeping it off for a lifetime, then there's one thing that you need accept, it's this... "Trying to control calories manually is nonsense..." One of the most frustrating "Vampire Myths" (Because it refuses to die)

Episode 55: The Weight Loss Hierarchy
July 24, 2012

In this episode, we'll discuss the Weight Loss Hierarchy, a simple framework for building your weight loss program. The three general ingredients in a weight loss program are: Diet & Nutrition Muscle-Building Activity Non-Muscle Building Activity Th

Episode 54: 5 Tips for Losing the Last Stubborn 10 Pounds
June 27, 2012

If you only have 10 more pounds to lose, then congratulations! This means that you've already tackled the big probably train consistently, have a fairly high protein/high fiber diet, and your diet is likely contains very limited amount of suga