Cut The Fat Weight Loss Podcast

Cut The Fat Weight Loss Podcast

Episode 1: Quick Start Guide to Weight Loss – Fat Loss

June 04, 2009

Achieving your ideal body is no easy task! It takes knowledge and work to achieve the weight loss results that will ultimately cut through the fat and display the health and body that you desire.
We’ve found that people who have struggled with weight loss & fat loss are not lazy nor do they lack self-discipline and willpower. In fact, they likely have more willpower and self-discipline than their skinny counterparts who seem to eat everything in sight without gaining an ounce.
So, if  laziness and willpower are not the problem, then what is?
In a nutshell, the problem is MISINFORMATION! If we’re working hard, dieting hard and not seeing results there can only be one explanation…our model for fat loss is lacking.
You already know that there are a thousand different diet “experts” selling their diet book with the claim that their book holds the solution to your weight problem. Our experience, and likely yours, suggests that their program is not the cure-all solution that they claim it to be. This does not, however, mean that they are wrong…
The truth is, they all have “golden nuggets of fat loss” embedded in the pages of their books!
Throughout our podcasts we will bring you cutting edge research on fat loss and fitness, with the ultimate goal being to help you become an expert on your own body! Through this podcast we will ask that you listen with an open mind, take the concepts provided and implement them into your own life. By monitoring your results you can take and utilize what works for you and discard what does not!
The day to get started on your fitness lifestyle is TODAY! Not tomorrow, not on Monday but TODAY! So we are starting the podcast with our “Quick Start Guide to Fat Loss”.
In this episode, we will describe 12-13 points of action that you can begin TODAY to implement in your life. These concepts are simple to grasp and implement and will start you on what we hope will be your final journey towards achieving the body that you desire and deserve. These concepts are simply a starting point and in the coming podcast episodes you will learn more advanced and cutting edge tools and techniques that will take your fat loss to a new level!
Please feel free to email us any questions and comments! We will try and answer as many questions as we can on the air
Please tell your friends to listen as well so that you can share in the experience with your social circle!
Episode Outline:

* Many of you are frustrated because you’ve tried many things and failed. This podcast is about wiping the slate clean!
* About Blythe – Mother of three who is a professional figure competitor and coach
* Dr. Ray is a pharmacist, certified personal trainer, certified Lifestyle & Weight Management Coach
* Step 1 – Set up a system to monitor your results – How do you know that your program is working
* Use your scale in combination with other tools such as Myotape (flexible measuring tape). Measure 3 or 4 areas especially your trouble areas Measure waist, hips legs, and arms.
* Step 2 – Best thing you can do to make a positive change is focus on on what you eat because nothing, including exercise, impacts weight more than diet.
* Cut out refined carbohydrates out of your, diet replace it with raw fruit, vegetable natural foods will make a huge difference.
* Step 3 – Shift your focus from fat loss to just being healthy. This is a subtle distinction, you can lose weight and be less healthy than when you started. By focusing on being healthy, you make good choices without guilt and feelings of “loss”.
* Step 4 – Most important type of exercise you should do for fat loss – weight training, it builds muscles and muscles builds metabolism.
* Weight training will not make you big and bulky.